The hobbies of our colleagues

The hobbies of our colleagues are sometimes pleasantly surprising. So, quite recently, a photo taken by our driver Alexander Katuntsev in the Almaty region was published in the international bird handbook “Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds”. This unique and impressive guide is the most comprehensive photographic one to passerines (sparrows) in the Western Palaearctic. Written by two of the world’s most honoured ornithologists Hadoram Shirihai and Lars Svensson the Western Palaearctic Bird Guide contains the latest available information on bird identification, covering all aspects of plumage, molting, aging and sex determination, with sections on vocal and other identification criteria and also detailed taxonomic notes.

KGNT is highly proud that the Company employs not only professionals, but also the most creative minds! Our congratulations!

Cleanliness is the key to health

We would like to devote today’s post to our irreplaceable fighters of the invisible front – the ladies from

Procurement and Administration Department. They contribute to the fact that each of us is less subjected to the risk of diseases in such a difficult time. Sometimes invisible things for us are everyday work and care by the technical staff.

It is thanks to them that the following sanitary standards are carried out on a daily basis: disinfecting the offices and workplace of each employee twice a day, quartz treating in the morning and evening, followed by ventilating the premises, decontaminating the door handles and all frequently touched places, and this is only a small part. We express our gratitude to each of you for your unwavering work!

Remember, colleagues, cleanliness begins with each of us!

international day of safety and health at work

Today, on 28.04.2021 the world celebrates the international day of safety and health at work. It is no secret that the safety of employees is the most important value of KGNT and it is confirmed by 9,305,252 man-hours without incidents at all locations. This is an indicator not only of the continuous improvement of health and safety processes on the part of management, but also the maximum contribution and involvement of each employee.

The Safety 360 program has been developed especially for our employees, which is aimed at improving the culture of safe behavior not only in the workplace, but also outside the work environment.

Part of the program is a “Progress Card” tool created to improve the processes in the field of the company’s integrated management system as well as to receive feedback.
Taking this opportunity, we want to thank each of you for your commitment to health and safety aspects and remind you that safety comes first!

Alexandra Bekisheva took part in the annual Kazakhstan edition of surveys for the top executives of the world’s largest companies, conducted as part of the PwC CEO Survey global project.

Alexandra Bekisheva, Chief Executive Officer of ENGINEERING COMPANY “KAZGIPRONEFTETRANS” LLP, took part in the annual Kazakhstan edition of surveys for the top executives of the world’s largest companies, conducted as part of the PwC CEO Survey global project. 5050 private business managers from 100 countries took part in the PwC project process. This year Kazakhstan has involved 71 managers in the survey.

Thanks to our PWC partners for their survey. We sincerely believe that together we are able to overcome all difficulties in this difficult time. Take care!

A HAZOP session for ELOU-AVT-3 has been successfully held

As part of the Agreement concluded with Atyrau Refinery LLP (hereinafter referred to as the Atyrau Refinery), a HAZOP session – the process of detailing and identifying the hazard and operability problems of the ELOU-AVT-3 system – was successfully held from November to December 2020.

The HAZOP session was held at the Atyrau Refinery area. Over the entire period of the project, 17 specialists from KGNT, Atyrau Refinery and their subcontractors took part in the HAZOP session chaired by the KGNT head office personnel. KGNT provided training to all participants and developed a detailed plan for the session.

In the course of a detailed review, risks and hazardous factors were identified and analyzed for 55 units that make up the ELOU-AVT-3 unit. As a result of the session, a final report was issued, including 4 comments and 7 recommendations aimed at reducing the degree of risk to safety and the environment as well as stimulating the reliable operation of the facility.

All works were performed in proper quality and on time, as evidenced by the receipt of a positive response from the Atyrau Refinery on the holding of the HAZOP session at the ELOU-AVT-3, as stated by Letter No. 62/419 dated 4 February, 2021.

Alexandra Maratovna Bekisheva has been awarded a medal for the 75th anniversary of the Atyrau Refinery.

Our Chief Executive Officer Alexandra Maratovna Bekisheva has been awarded a medal for the 75th anniversary of the Atyrau Refinery. The award has been handed over to our Chief Executive Officer by our Deputy General Director for Designing and Chief Engineer Rustem Kenzhebekovich Zhanzakov.

On behalf of the company and CEO, let me express my gratitude for your cooperation and support over the years. We wish you new high achievements in the near future!

KGNT’s Sports Day 2021

KGNT Сompany actively promotes the idea of leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining the team spirit of its employees. In this regard, the next sports contest was held on 26 February within the walls of the office. This is a special day of sports and friendship that annually unites the most athletic and motivated employees of our Company.

As a result, prizes for men were awarded to:

  1. Yevgenшy Ivanov
  2. Evgeniy Uvarov
  3. Maxim Rimer

Prizes for ladies were awarded to:

  1. Karina Adilbekova
  2. Victoriya Kisseleva
  3. Jamilya Bekniyazova

Thank-you letters were awarded to Boris Li, Konstantin Dotsok, Bolat Makhambetov, Maya Begalieva, Akmaral Dzhunusova, Inna Bedareva.

We sincerely express our gratitude to everyone for participating and popularizing a healthy lifestyle in the team. Your participation is your victory

KGNT has the accreditation prolonged and has obtained a Certificate of Accreditation entitling experts’ work on the technical inspection of reliability and sustainability of buildings and structures at technically and technologically complex Criticality I and II facilities

As per Order No.709 as of 23 November 2015 by the Ministry for National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the approval of the Regulations and permitting requirements for the accreditation of organizations carrying out engineering supervision services and experts’ works on the technical inspection of reliability and sustainability of buildings and structures at technically and technologically complex Criticality I and II facilities, KGNT has the accreditation prolonged and has obtained from the authorized agency – the Committee for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Affairs of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan – a Certificate of Accreditation entitling the bearer hereof to carry out experts’ work on the technical inspection of reliability and sustainability of buildings and structures at technically and technologically complex Criticality I and II facilities The Certificate has been prolonged by 2 years until 5 February 2023.

KGNT hereby expresses deep gratitude to our specialists for the scope of work done.