Проект строительства газопровода “Карачаганак – Уральск” протяженностью 152 километра с возведением отводящих высоконапорных газопроводов до сел Новопавловка и Жымпиты, позволил осуществлять поставки газа в населенные пункты районов, с помощью трех автоматических газораспределительных станций Карачаганакского перерабаты-вающего комплекса с начальными объемами 120 миллионов кубических метров в год и окончательными объемами до 500 миллионов кубических метров в год с последующей передачей Республике Казахстан права собственности на газопровод “Карачаганак – Уральск”.

Заказчик – Карачаганак Петролиум Оперейтинг Б.В.
Завершены следующие проекты:
- Рабочая документация
- Инженерные изыскания
- Обеспечение офиса
- Основная трасса с узлами учета и редуцирования диаметром 508 мм.
- Общая длина 152 км.

Заказчик – АО “КазТрансОйл”
Завершены следующие проекты:
- Комплексные инженерные изыскания
- Разработка и корректировка рабочего проекта проектно-сметной и рабочей документации
- Авторский надзор
- Резервуарный парк емкостью хранилищ 40000 м3
- Строительство магистральных насосов, модернизация стабилизирующих насосов, дренажная емкость, подогреваемая V = 16м3

Заказчик – АО “КазТрансОйл”
Завершены следующие проекты:
- Рабочий проект, инженерные изыскания
- Объем перекачки 10 млн.т/год, общая протяженность нефтепровода 46 км. Диаметр 530 мм

Заказчик – ТОО «АстанаГазКМГ»
(ПСД разработана в два этапа – проект и рабочая документация)
Завершены следующие проекты:
- Диаметр газопровода – 720 мм;
- Давление газа в газопроводе – 5,4 МПа;
- Потребление газа – до 1,5 млрд м3/ год;
- Протяженность газопровода – 829, 8 км.

Заказчик – ТОО «Азиатский газопровод»
Завершены следующие проекты:
- КС-2 (Кереит) – Пропускная способность 40 млрд м3 газа в год; 3 ГТУ, общая мощность 47,87 МВт.
- КС-7 (Шелек) – Пропускная способность 30 млрд м3 газа в год; 4 ГТУ, общая мощность 60,22 МВт.
- Газофракционирующая установка (ГФУ) в районе Тенгиза;
- Магистральный газопровод транспортировки этана;
- Общая длина̴ 200 км;
- Трубопровод подачи сырьевого газа с ТШО до ГФУ, трубопровод возврата сухого газа с ГФУ до трубопровода ТШО – GEEP;
- Вахтовый поселок в районе ГФУ.
Суммарная мощность производства полиэтилена 800 000 тонн/год.
Client | Project / Location | Type of works | Period |
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. | 4th Gas Re-Injection Compressor - Basic Design stage | Design development | 2018 |
KazTransOil JSC | Designer’s Supervision Detailed Design adjustment “MPS Kenkiyak Upgrading (phase 2)" | Designer’s Supervision | 2016 |
KazTransOil JSC | Adjustments and amendments to Detailed Design Detailed Design adjustment “MPS Kenkiyak Upgrading (phase 2)" | Detail design | 2015 |
Linear Industrial and Controller Station Petropavlovsk | Ufa-Omsk Main Product Pipeline, Petropavlovsk-Isilkul section, ND 350, shutoff valve replacement at the MPPL line section | Designer’s Supervision | 2015 |
Sinopec LLP | Gas Pipeline from G2 to Boiler Unit Tank | Detail design | 2015 |
LPG Storage Farm LLP | Construction of Reverse Line at KC-10 and KC-13 | Detail design | 2015 |
LPG Storage Farm LLP | Designer’s Supervision Arrangement of Reverse Gas Transportation through the Main Gas Pipeline CAC | Designer’s Supervision | 2015 |
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC | Design supervision at the facility "Ufa-Petropavlovsk" Main Product Pipeline", Suslovo-Petropavlovsk part, ND 500, replacement of shutoff valve at the line section" | АН | 2013 |
KazTransOil JSC | Updating the MPS Kenkiyak Revamping Project | Engineering surveys, detailed design, Approval, SE | 2013 |
(Phase 2) | |||
BNK Logistic System LLP | Developing Detail Design for the Project "Organization of reverse gas transport through the Central Asia-Center main gas pipeline” | implementation of engineering survey, land use design, FEED, cost estimate documentation, approval, State expertise conclusion | 2013 |
BNK Logistic System LLP | Designer's Supervision on facility "Arrangement of reverse gas transfer through main gas pipeline "Central Asia-Center" | DS | 2013 |
BNK Logistic System LLP | Developing Detail Design "Organization of reverse gas transport of CS-10 CS-13 at "Bukhara-Ural" main gas pipeline" | implementation of engineering survey, land use design, FEED, cost estimate documentation, approval, State expertise conclusion | 2013 |
BNK Logistic System LLP | Design supervision at the facility - "Organization of reverse gas transport of CS-10 CS-13 at "Bukhara-Ural" main gas pipeline" | DS | 2013 |
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC | DSW and DS at the facility "Ufa-Omsk" Main Product Pipeline", Petropavlovsk-Isilkul part, ND 350, replacement of shutoff valve at the line section" | DSW, approval, SE | 2012 |
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC | DSW and DS at the facility "Ufa-Petropavlovsk" Main Product Pipeline", Suslovo-Petropavlovsk part, Dn 500, replacement of shutoff valve at the line section" | DSW, approval, SE | 2012 |
"AstanaGaz KMG" LLP | Developing DED “ Main Gas Pipeline West-North-Center Construction” | Engineering survey, FEED phase LCH, Fixed structures, SCADA, Approval, SE, Detailed Design | 2012 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Updating DD of Server Room for the “Administrative building UMGP Kyzylorda" facility. | Updating DD | 2012 |
“AstanaGazKMG” LLP | Developing Feasibility Study for the West-North-Center Main Gas Pipeline Construction | Developing FS | |
KING JSC | 2011 | ||
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC | Executing DSW for the facility p. 8.2.1 Overhauling the tank VST-5000 No.15 LODS "Petropavlovsk" | DSW, approval, SE | 2011 |
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC | Executing DSW for the facility as per p. 8.2.2 "overhauling Tank VST-5000 No.25 LODS "Petropavlovsk" | DSW, approval, SE | 2011 |
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC | Executing DSW and DS for the facility as per p. 10.7 Revamping of tank farm LPDS "Petropavlovsk" -РВСП – -10,000 – 2 pcs. | DSW, approval, SE | 2011 |
Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSC | Providing high quality of detailed documentation, "Expansion of pipeline system CPC-R" | Quality control of DD | 2010 |
Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSC | Providing high quality of detailed documentation, "Expansion of pipeline system CPC-R" | Engineering services | 2010 |
KING JSC | Purchasing subcontracting works on the development of detail documentation for Compression Stations CS-2 "Kereit" and CS-7 "Shelek" on "Kazakhstan-China Gas Pipeline Construction Project" (phase I) | Developing DD | 2010 |
ILF Kazakhstan Engineering and UP LLP | Developing FS for the Eskene-Kuryk Main Oil Pipeline Construction Project. | Developing FS | 2009 |
Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc., LLP | Engineering surveys for the main ethane and propane gas transportation lines to prepare tender documentation for the “Integrated Petrochemical Complex and Infrastructure Construction Projects in Atyrau Region”. | ES for the main gas pipeline to prepare tender documentation | 2009 |
PetroKaz Kumkol Resources LLP | Developing Design for the "Kumkol GTU Expansion Project", developing Detailed Documentation for Project 822 | Developing Design and Detailed Documentation | 2009 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Developing DED for the construction of “Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas pipeline". | FEED, DD, AS | 2009 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Investigation of pipeline "Orenburg-Novopskov", developing of joint details and material specifications, approval with JSC "ICA". | Engineering Surveys | 2009 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Developing the general process flow chart and translating FS. | Developing FS | 2009 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Carrying out engineering, geodetic and geological surveys for the Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas Pipeline Project. | Engineering surveys, GI | 2009 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Developing Detail Documentation for KPO UGP Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas Pipeline Phase 1 Project | Developing DD | 2009 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Constructing the Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas Pipeline Phase 2 Project, 116km Branch-off to Dzhambety. | Developing design documentation | 2009 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Developing DED for constructing UMGP Kyzylorda Administration Building. | Draft design, DD | 2009 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC (UMGP "Yuzhnoye", Almaty) | Developing of DED for construction of Almaty line operations section production base (Kaskelen). | Draft design, DD | 2009 |
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC | Revamping the Zhossaly terminal and reversing the Kumkol-Zhossaly oil pipeline. | Designing, Developing DD, Author's Supervision | 2009 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Developing Turbocompressor Workshop No.4 of Makat Compressor Station. | Developing FS | 2009 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Developing Turbocompressor Workshop No.5 at Central Asia-Center-5 Main Gas Pipeline. | Developing FS | 2009 |
Zhambyl T.I. Baturov GRES JSC . | Mazut pipeline electric heat tracing of Zhambyl GRES JSC | Developing DD | 2009 |
RSE State Expertise | Experts’ review of Process Part of Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline Construction Project | Experts’ review of FS | 2009 |
“Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K" JSC | Designing works and designer’s supervision at CPC-K oil pipeline system facilities. | Design works, AS | 2009 |
Pavlodar boiler plant LLP | DS for "Production Building for maintaining and repairing cars at the Process Transport and Special Equipment Workshop of the Atyrau oil pipeline Management of "KazTransOil" JSC West Branch. | Designer’s Supervision | 2009 |
RSE State Expertise | Experts’ review of Process Section of FS "Oil Loading Terminal in Kuryk village". | Experts review | 2009 |
RSE State Expertise | Experts’ review of Process Part of Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline Construction Project | Experts review | 2009 |
VTG "DIPTRANSGAZ” OJSC | Experts review of Process Part of the Beineu-Shymkent Compressor Station Project | Experts review | 2009 |
ILF Kazakhstan LLP | Developing FS for the Eskene-Kuryk Main Oil Pipeline Construction Project. | Developing FS | 2009 |
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC | Developing Design for the "Kumkol GTU Expansion Project", developing Detailed Documentation for Project 822 | Developing Design and Detailed Documentation | 2009 |
Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSC | Designing works and designer’s supervision at CPC-K oil pipeline system facilities. | Project, DS | 2009 |
State non-departmental experts review | Substantiating Kazakhstan-China Gas Pipeline Construction-related investments | Experts Commission's Conclusion | 2008 |
State non-departmental experts review | Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline construction | Experts review of the Project’s Process Section | 2008 |
Bars-Engineering LLP | Developing AC documentation for operation modes optimization systems of main gas pipeline "Orenburg-Novopskov" and "Souz" | Developing DD | 2008 |
Electro-HSBM LLP (Shymkent) | Overhauling Thread 2 Insulation coating at BGR-TBA and partly replacing the DN 820mm pipe at the 479-501-km section. | Updating DED | 2008 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Main pump station at the territory of Chinarev gas condensate field oil treatment unit. Main oil pipeline (Rostoshi). | Developing DD, technical support for CIW | 2007 |
NC KazMunaiGaz JSC | Developing Plot Plan of the Kuryk workers’ village " with associated infrastructure and the Kuryk seaport development concept | Engineering surveys, Infrastructure Assessment, Schematic design, PP scheme; Plot Plan, Endoresement and State Expertise | 2007 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Detail Design for the construction of new main gas pipeline sites SATS-4 D1420mm and main gas pipeline sites SATS-4 D1420mm with a total length of 271 km and developing detail design for various sites between the Republic of Uzbekistan border and the Russian one. | Preparation of ordered specifications; Receiving of approval on ordered specifications; State expertise of DED; construction as-built; | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Beineu LOS MG sites and facilities. | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Opornen LOS MG sites and facilities | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Kulsary LOS MG sites and facilities | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Makat LOS MG sites and facilities | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Inder LOS MG sites and facilities | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Dzhangaly LOS MG sites and facilities | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of suction and discharge pipes at Opornaya CS. | Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED. | 2006 |
EPE VNTPItransgas OJSC (Ukraine) | Environmental protection at "Main Gas Pipeline SATS-4, Compressor Station "Opornaya", to-be-designed Workshop No.4" | Developing Environment Protection Section. | 2006 |
TECNIP GERMANY GMBH | Eskene-Kuryk oil pipeline "" in Atyrau and Mangistau regions. | Industrial survey | 2006 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Re-insulation MGP SATS-4 DN1400, SATS-5 DN1200 at the sites 599-695, 696-735km | ES, Development of DD, Approval, State experts review | 2006 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Reinsulation, re-laying and ballasting of MG SATS-3 at the crossing of the Emba River for 603 km. | Development of DED, Approval, State experts review | 2006 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Re-insulation 1 of MGP BGR-TBA at site 424-463 km with partial replacement of pipe D 1020mm, length = 11.2km. | ИИ, Разработка РП; Согласование, Гос.экспертиза | 2006 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Construction of Ø1220 mm flush joint transitions through the Ural and Bagyrlai rivers at MG "SATS-3" at site 852-867km and installation of pig catchers and receivers in Inder CS at 851km. | ES, Approval, State experts review | 2005 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Construction of pig receivers and trap start-up on MGD SAC – 3 695 km CS "Makat" MGP "Atyrau" | Developing DED, Approval, State experts review, designing DD | 2005 |
NSCC KazStroyService JSC | Overhaul of MG "SATS-IV-I" at 41-52 km. And 100% replacing the factory-insulated pipe | Overhaul | 2005 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Tying in the temporary pig receiver and launchers stations at CS "Dhzangala", CS "Makat", pig receiver station at CS "Inder" and pig launcher station at 864 km of MG SATS-3. | Tying in the project | 2005 |
DomStroy service LLP | Revamping OPS “Barsengir”. | Developing DED | 2005 |
KazTransOil JSC | KazTransOil JSC East Branch oil pipeline revamping and upgrading project | Developing DED | 2005 |
KazTransOil JSC | Pavlodar-Shymkent underwater oil pipeline crossing of the Chu river - 1286km. | Developing DED | 2005 |
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC | Construction of VST №4-5000m3 MOPS "Kalamkas"; VSTP №2,4-5000m3 MOPS "Aktau"; VST - 20000m3 at MOPS "Uzen". Capital repair "VST - 5000m3 №2; 3 MOPS "Kalamkas"; VST - 10000 m3 №3 OPS "Karazhanbas"; "Kulsary" VST - 5000 m3 № 2; VST - 5000 m3 №3 "Koschagyl". | Construction works | 2005 |
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC | Construction and capital repair of facilities: VST - 5000 m3 №2 MOPS "Kalamkas", VST - 5000m3 №3 MOPS "Kalamkas", VST - 10000 m3 №3 MOPS "Karazhanbas", WTF "Kulsary" VST - 5000 m3 № 2, VST № 4-5000 m3 at OPS "Kalamkas" VSTP №2 - 5000 m3 MOPS | Developing DED | 2005 |
Kazmunaygasproect LLP, NGSK KazStroyService JSC | Overhauling MG "SATS-IV-II" at 41-55km. | ES, Developing and updating DD, Approval and State Experts review of projects, DS. | 2005 |
KazHydroProject CJSC | Process pipelines for supplying oil and oil products to Jetties No.4 and No.5 of RSE AISCP | Design Documentation | 2004 |
KazakhTurkMunai LLP (Astana) | Laktybai Oil Treatment Unit - Kenkiyak Oil Pump Station oil pipeline bypass passage across the Zhem river . | Developing DED | 2004 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | 1. Residential houses of operators in AGRS "Akpater", AGRS "Zhalpaktal", AGRS "Urozhai"; 2. Warehouses for the storage of 50 oxygen and 30 propane cylinders at the Kulsarinskoye MPU, Makatskoy MPU, Indersky MPU, Redutsk MPU, MPU Taiman, Akkolsk MPU, | Developing DED | 2004 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Document Recovery for On-Site Gas Supply Networks Beineu LOMD, Opornaya LOMD, Makat LOMD, Akkol LOMD | Developing DED | 2004 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Alarm systems of Compressor Stations of ITSA CJSC Atyrau branch in Mangistau, Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions. | Developing DED | 2004 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | Duker crossing across the Sagiz river. SATS-3, 674-676 km Re-insulation of the main gas pipeline with partial replacement of pipes on the site of 694-696 km Methanol installations on the existing gas pipelines of Western Kazakhstan and Atyrau Region | Developing DED | 2004 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | 1. Methanol installations on the existing gas pipelines of the Atyrau Region. MGP "Atyrau" "MSK" MGP on 119 km. "Ganyushkino" Atyrau GDS 1 "MSK" MGP on 347 km. CS "Akkol"; AGDS-10 "Inder" at 85 km. "Urozhai" AGDS on 857 km. | Developing DED by facilities of the linear part of LOMD “Atyrau” | 2004 |
Intergas Central Asia JSC | 2. Methanol installations on the existing gas pipelines of the Western Kazakhstan Region. The "Atyrau" GTPA: "Zhanatalap" GDS ; "Zhangala" LOA (Line Operations Administration).Re-insulation of the main gas pipeline with partial replacement of pipes on the site of 694-696 km. САC-1, САC-2, САC-3, САC-5. | Developing DED | 2004 |
KazStroy - PromTechMontazh CJSC | Alibekmola-Kenkiyak Main Oil Pipeline, Alibekmola MPS | Comprehensive ES, Developing DD, Agent’s services | 2003 |
KarazhanbasMunai OJSC | Construction of new process pipelines, PTB-10A ovens of the cooling system at CPPN KarazhanbasMunai JSC. | Design development | 2003 |
Intranskom OJSC (Almaty) | Rearrangement of oil pipeline crossings of Aktau port-based railways. | Developing DED, Approvals | 2003 |
Atyrau Oil Refinery OJSC | Atyrau Refinery Revamping Designing an intermediate tank farm; | Developing DED | 2003 |
KazTransOil JSC | Project of oil pipeline Uzen-Atyrau-Samara on the section of OPS 663-OPS Atyrau with a length of 25, 4 D. 1022 mm with underwater crossing through Ural. | Designing works | 2003 |
KazTransOil CJSC (Astana) | Uzen - Atyrau – Samara backup bypass oil pipeline at 100 – 114 km at Syndi uphill with its route improved along the road passage | Designing works | 2003 |
KazTransOil JSC | Construction of trunk and booster pipeline pump stations at PS Atyrau and Inder. | Designing works | 2003 |
Khazar Service LLP | Design proposals for the elevated laying of technological pipelines of the tank farm in Petropavlovsk. | Developing design proposals | 2002 |