Проект строительства газопровода “Карачаганак – Уральск”  протяженностью  152 километра с возведением отводящих высоконапорных газопроводов до сел Новопавловка и Жымпиты, позволил осуществлять поставки газа в населенные пункты районов, с помощью трех автоматических газораспределительных станций Карачаганакского перерабаты-вающего комплекса с начальными объемами 120 миллионов кубических метров в год и окончательными объемами до 500 миллионов кубических метров в год с последующей передачей Республике Казахстан права собственности на газопровод “Карачаганак – Уральск”.

Заказчик – Карачаганак Петролиум Оперейтинг Б.В.

Завершены следующие проекты:

  • Рабочая документация
  • Инженерные изыскания
  • Обеспечение офиса
  • Основная трасса с узлами учета и редуцирования диаметром 508 мм.
  • Общая длина 152 км.



Благодаря реконструкции ГНПС «Кенкияк» и реализации проекта реверса нефтепровода Кенкияк – Атырау в полном объеме смог не только увеличить экспорт казахстанской нефти в КНР, но и обеспечить возможность транспортировки западноказахстанской нефти на отечественные заводы.

Заказчик – АО “КазТрансОйл”

Завершены следующие проекты:

  • Комплексные инженерные изыскания
  • Разработка и корректировка рабочего проекта проектно-сметной и рабочей документации
  • Авторский надзор
  • Резервуарный парк емкостью хранилищ 40000 м3
  • Строительство магистральных насосов, модернизация стабилизирующих насосов, дренажная емкость, подогреваемая V = 16м3



Магистральный нефтепровод Алибекмола — Кенкияк предназначен для обеспечения приема и хранения нефти с месторождений Актюбинского региона, транспортировки до ЛПДС «Кенкияк» с целью дальнейшего транспорта в экспортные нефтепроводы Атырау — Самара и систему КТК.

Заказчик – АО “КазТрансОйл”

Завершены следующие проекты:

  • Рабочий проект, инженерные изыскания
  • Объем перекачки 10 млн.т/год, общая протяженность нефтепровода 46 км. Диаметр 530 мм



Целью строительства магистрального газопровода «Запад-Север-Центр» является обеспечение стабильных поставок газа в соответствующие регионы Республики Казахстан, включая столицу город Нурултан. С пуском газопровода появится возможность для газификации около 600 населенных пунктов с населением около 2,6 миллиона человек.

Заказчик – ТОО «АстанаГазКМГ»

(ПСД разработана в два этапа – проект и рабочая документация)

Завершены следующие проекты:

  • Диаметр газопровода – 720 мм;
  • Давление газа в газопроводе – 5,4 МПа;
  • Потребление газа – до 1,5 млрд м3/ год;
  • Протяженность газопровода – 829, 8 км.



Магистральный газопровод «Казахстан-Китай» протяженностью 1310 километров, является частью газопровода «Туркменистан-Узбекистан-Казахстан-Китай», состоит из трех параллельных ниток «А», «В», «С». Начальной точкой газопровода являются нефтегазовые месторождения Туркменистана, конечной точкой – южные провинции Китайской Народной Республики.

Заказчик – ТОО «Азиатский газопровод»

Завершены следующие проекты:

  • КС-2 (Кереит) – Пропускная способность 40 млрд м3 газа в год; 3 ГТУ, общая мощность 47,87 МВт.
  • КС-7 (Шелек) – Пропускная способность 30 млрд м3 газа в год; 4 ГТУ, общая мощность 60,22 МВт.



Завершены следующие проекты:

  • Газофракционирующая установка (ГФУ) в районе Тенгиза;
  • Магистральный газопровод транспортировки этана;
  • Общая длина̴  200 км;
  • Трубопровод подачи сырьевого газа с ТШО до ГФУ, трубопровод возврата сухого газа с ГФУ до трубопровода ТШО – GEEP;
  • Вахтовый поселок в районе ГФУ.

Суммарная мощность производства полиэтилена 800 000 тонн/год.

ClientProject / LocationType of worksPeriod
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.4th Gas Re-Injection Compressor - Basic Design stage Design development2018
KazTransOil JSCDesigner’s Supervision Detailed Design adjustment “MPS Kenkiyak Upgrading (phase 2)"Designer’s Supervision2016
KazTransOil JSCAdjustments and amendments to Detailed Design Detailed Design adjustment “MPS Kenkiyak Upgrading (phase 2)"Detail design2015
Linear Industrial and Controller Station PetropavlovskUfa-Omsk Main Product Pipeline, Petropavlovsk-Isilkul section, ND 350, shutoff valve replacement at the MPPL line sectionDesigner’s Supervision2015
Sinopec LLPGas Pipeline from G2 to Boiler Unit TankDetail design2015
LPG Storage Farm LLP Construction of Reverse Line at KC-10 and KC-13Detail design2015
LPG Storage Farm LLP Designer’s Supervision Arrangement of Reverse Gas Transportation through the Main Gas Pipeline CACDesigner’s Supervision2015
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSC Design supervision at the facility "Ufa-Petropavlovsk" Main Product Pipeline", Suslovo-Petropavlovsk part, ND 500, replacement of shutoff valve at the line section" АН2013
KazTransOil JSCUpdating the MPS Kenkiyak Revamping ProjectEngineering surveys, detailed design, Approval, SE2013
(Phase 2)
BNK Logistic System LLPDeveloping Detail Design for the Project "Organization of reverse gas transport through the Central Asia-Center main gas pipeline” implementation of engineering survey, land use design, FEED, cost estimate documentation, approval, State expertise conclusion2013
BNK Logistic System LLPDesigner's Supervision on facility "Arrangement of reverse gas transfer through main gas pipeline "Central Asia-Center" DS2013
BNK Logistic System LLPDeveloping Detail Design "Organization of reverse gas transport of CS-10 CS-13 at "Bukhara-Ural" main gas pipeline" implementation of engineering survey, land use design, FEED, cost estimate documentation, approval, State expertise conclusion2013
BNK Logistic System LLPDesign supervision at the facility - "Organization of reverse gas transport of CS-10 CS-13 at "Bukhara-Ural" main gas pipeline" DS2013
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSCDSW and DS at the facility "Ufa-Omsk" Main Product Pipeline", Petropavlovsk-Isilkul part, ND 350, replacement of shutoff valve at the line section"DSW, approval, SE2012
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSCDSW and DS at the facility "Ufa-Petropavlovsk" Main Product Pipeline", Suslovo-Petropavlovsk part, Dn 500, replacement of shutoff valve at the line section" DSW, approval, SE2012
"AstanaGaz KMG" LLPDeveloping DED “ Main Gas Pipeline West-North-Center Construction” Engineering survey, FEED phase LCH, Fixed structures, SCADA, Approval, SE, Detailed Design2012
Intergas Central Asia JSCUpdating DD of Server Room for the “Administrative building UMGP Kyzylorda" facility. Updating DD 2012
“AstanaGazKMG” LLP Developing Feasibility Study for the West-North-Center Main Gas Pipeline ConstructionDeveloping FS
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSCExecuting DSW for the facility p. 8.2.1 Overhauling the tank VST-5000 No.15 LODS "Petropavlovsk"DSW, approval, SE2011
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSCExecuting DSW for the facility as per p. 8.2.2 "overhauling Tank VST-5000 No.25 LODS "Petropavlovsk"DSW, approval, SE2011
UralTransNefteProdukt OJSCExecuting DSW and DS for the facility as per p. 10.7 Revamping of tank farm LPDS "Petropavlovsk" -РВСП – -10,000 – 2 pcs.DSW, approval, SE2011
Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSCProviding high quality of detailed documentation, "Expansion of pipeline system CPC-R"Quality control of DD2010
Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSCProviding high quality of detailed documentation, "Expansion of pipeline system CPC-R"Engineering services2010
KING JSCPurchasing subcontracting works on the development of detail documentation for Compression Stations CS-2 "Kereit" and CS-7 "Shelek" on "Kazakhstan-China Gas Pipeline Construction Project" (phase I)Developing DD 2010
ILF Kazakhstan Engineering and UP LLP Developing FS for the Eskene-Kuryk Main Oil Pipeline Construction Project.Developing FS2009
Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries Inc., LLP Engineering surveys for the main ethane and propane gas transportation lines to prepare tender documentation for the “Integrated Petrochemical Complex and Infrastructure Construction Projects in Atyrau Region”.ES for the main gas pipeline to prepare tender documentation2009
PetroKaz Kumkol Resources LLP Developing Design for the "Kumkol GTU Expansion Project", developing Detailed Documentation for Project 822 Developing Design and Detailed Documentation 2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Developing DED for the construction of “Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas pipeline".FEED, DD, AS2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Investigation of pipeline "Orenburg-Novopskov", developing of joint details and material specifications, approval with JSC "ICA".Engineering Surveys2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Developing the general process flow chart and translating FS.Developing FS2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Carrying out engineering, geodetic and geological surveys for the Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas Pipeline Project.Engineering surveys, GI2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Developing Detail Documentation for KPO UGP Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas Pipeline Phase 1 ProjectDeveloping DD2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Constructing the Karachaganak-Uralsk Gas Pipeline Phase 2 Project, 116km Branch-off to Dzhambety.Developing design documentation2009
Intergas Central Asia JSC Developing DED for constructing UMGP Kyzylorda Administration Building.Draft design, DD2009
Intergas Central Asia JSC (UMGP "Yuzhnoye", Almaty)Developing of DED for construction of Almaty line operations section production base (Kaskelen).Draft design, DD2009
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC Revamping the Zhossaly terminal and reversing the Kumkol-Zhossaly oil pipeline.Designing, Developing DD, Author's Supervision2009
Intergas Central Asia JSC Developing Turbocompressor Workshop No.4 of Makat Compressor Station.Developing FS2009
Intergas Central Asia JSC Developing Turbocompressor Workshop No.5 at Central Asia-Center-5 Main Gas Pipeline.Developing FS2009
Zhambyl T.I. Baturov GRES JSC .Mazut pipeline electric heat tracing of Zhambyl GRES JSCDeveloping DD 2009
RSE State Expertise Experts’ review of Process Part of Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline Construction ProjectExperts’ review of FS2009
“Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K" JSCDesigning works and designer’s supervision at CPC-K oil pipeline system facilities.Design works, AS2009
Pavlodar boiler plant LLP DS for "Production Building for maintaining and repairing cars at the Process Transport and Special Equipment Workshop of the Atyrau oil pipeline Management of "KazTransOil" JSC West Branch.Designer’s Supervision2009
RSE State Expertise Experts’ review of Process Section of FS "Oil Loading Terminal in Kuryk village".Experts review 2009
RSE State ExpertiseExperts’ review of Process Part of Beineu-Shymkent Gas Pipeline Construction ProjectExperts review 2009
VTG "DIPTRANSGAZ” OJSCExperts review of Process Part of the Beineu-Shymkent Compressor Station ProjectExperts review2009
ILF Kazakhstan LLP Developing FS for the Eskene-Kuryk Main Oil Pipeline Construction Project. Developing FS 2009
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC Developing Design for the "Kumkol GTU Expansion Project", developing Detailed Documentation for Project 822 Developing Design and Detailed Documentation 2009
Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K JSCDesigning works and designer’s supervision at CPC-K oil pipeline system facilities.Project, DS2009
State non-departmental experts reviewSubstantiating Kazakhstan-China Gas Pipeline Construction-related investmentsExperts Commission's Conclusion2008
State non-departmental experts reviewKazakhstan-China gas pipeline constructionExperts review of the Project’s Process Section2008
Bars-Engineering LLP Developing AC documentation for operation modes optimization systems of main gas pipeline "Orenburg-Novopskov" and "Souz"Developing DD2008
Electro-HSBM LLP (Shymkent)Overhauling Thread 2 Insulation coating at BGR-TBA and partly replacing the DN 820mm pipe at the 479-501-km section.Updating DED2008
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Main pump station at the territory of Chinarev gas condensate field oil treatment unit. Main oil pipeline (Rostoshi).Developing DD, technical support for CIW2007
NC KazMunaiGaz JSC Developing Plot Plan of the Kuryk workers’ village " with associated infrastructure and the Kuryk seaport development conceptEngineering surveys, Infrastructure Assessment, Schematic design, PP scheme; Plot Plan, Endoresement and State Expertise 2007
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Detail Design for the construction of new main gas pipeline sites SATS-4 D1420mm and main gas pipeline sites SATS-4 D1420mm with a total length of 271 km and developing detail design for various sites between the Republic of Uzbekistan border and the Russian one.Preparation of ordered specifications; Receiving of approval on ordered specifications; State expertise of DED; construction as-built; 2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Beineu LOS MG sites and facilities.Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Opornen LOS MG sites and facilitiesEngineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Kulsary LOS MG sites and facilitiesEngineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Makat LOS MG sites and facilitiesEngineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Inder LOS MG sites and facilitiesEngineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of Dzhangaly LOS MG sites and facilitiesEngineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Construction of new sites for looping MG SAC-IV, Ø1420mm and sites MG SAC-IV, Ø1420 mm Construction of suction and discharge pipes at Opornaya CS.Engineering survey; Detail Doc. development, State experts' review of DED, updating DED.2006
EPE VNTPItransgas OJSC (Ukraine)Environmental protection at "Main Gas Pipeline SATS-4, Compressor Station "Opornaya", to-be-designed Workshop No.4"Developing Environment Protection Section.2006
TECNIP GERMANY GMBHEskene-Kuryk oil pipeline "" in Atyrau and Mangistau regions. Industrial survey2006
Intergas Central Asia JSC Re-insulation MGP SATS-4 DN1400, SATS-5 DN1200 at the sites 599-695, 696-735km ES, Development of DD, Approval, State experts review2006
Intergas Central Asia JSC Reinsulation, re-laying and ballasting of MG SATS-3 at the crossing of the Emba River for 603 km.Development of DED, Approval, State experts review2006
Intergas Central Asia JSC Re-insulation 1 of MGP BGR-TBA at site 424-463 km with partial replacement of pipe D 1020mm, length = 11.2km.ИИ, Разработка РП; Согласование, Гос.экспертиза2006
Intergas Central Asia JSC Construction of Ø1220 mm flush joint transitions through the Ural and Bagyrlai rivers at MG "SATS-3" at site 852-867km and installation of pig catchers and receivers in Inder CS at 851km. ES, Approval, State experts review2005
Intergas Central Asia JSC Construction of pig receivers and trap start-up on MGD SAC – 3 695 km CS "Makat" MGP "Atyrau" Developing DED, Approval, State experts review, designing DD2005
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Overhaul of MG "SATS-IV-I" at 41-52 km. And 100% replacing the factory-insulated pipeOverhaul2005
Intergas Central Asia JSC Tying in the temporary pig receiver and launchers stations at CS "Dhzangala", CS "Makat", pig receiver station at CS "Inder" and pig launcher station at 864 km of MG SATS-3.Tying in the project2005
DomStroy service LLP Revamping OPS “Barsengir”. Developing DED2005
KazTransOil JSCKazTransOil JSC East Branch oil pipeline revamping and upgrading projectDeveloping DED2005
KazTransOil JSC Pavlodar-Shymkent underwater oil pipeline crossing of the Chu river - 1286km.Developing DED2005
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC Construction of VST №4-5000m3 MOPS "Kalamkas"; VSTP №2,4-5000m3 MOPS "Aktau"; VST - 20000m3 at MOPS "Uzen". Capital repair "VST - 5000m3 №2; 3 MOPS "Kalamkas"; VST - 10000 m3 №3 OPS "Karazhanbas"; "Kulsary" VST - 5000 m3 № 2; VST - 5000 m3 №3 "Koschagyl".Construction works2005
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC Construction and capital repair of facilities: VST - 5000 m3 №2 MOPS "Kalamkas", VST - 5000m3 №3 MOPS "Kalamkas", VST - 10000 m3 №3 MOPS "Karazhanbas", WTF "Kulsary" VST - 5000 m3 № 2, VST № 4-5000 m3 at OPS "Kalamkas" VSTP №2 - 5000 m3 MOPSDeveloping DED2005
Kazmunaygasproect LLP, NGSK KazStroyService JSCOverhauling MG "SATS-IV-II" at 41-55km. ES, Developing and updating DD, Approval and State Experts review of projects, DS.2005
KazHydroProject CJSC Process pipelines for supplying oil and oil products to Jetties No.4 and No.5 of RSE AISCPDesign Documentation2004
KazakhTurkMunai LLP (Astana)Laktybai Oil Treatment Unit - Kenkiyak Oil Pump Station oil pipeline bypass passage across the Zhem river .Developing DED2004
Intergas Central Asia JSC 1. Residential houses of operators in AGRS "Akpater", AGRS "Zhalpaktal", AGRS "Urozhai"; 2. Warehouses for the storage of 50 oxygen and 30 propane cylinders at the Kulsarinskoye MPU, Makatskoy MPU, Indersky MPU, Redutsk MPU, MPU Taiman, Akkolsk MPU,Developing DED 2004
Intergas Central Asia JSC Document Recovery for On-Site Gas Supply Networks Beineu LOMD, Opornaya LOMD, Makat LOMD, Akkol LOMDDeveloping DED 2004
Intergas Central Asia JSCAlarm systems of Compressor Stations of ITSA CJSC Atyrau branch in Mangistau, Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions.Developing DED 2004
Intergas Central Asia JSC Duker crossing across the Sagiz river. SATS-3, 674-676 km Re-insulation of the main gas pipeline with partial replacement of pipes on the site of 694-696 km Methanol installations on the existing gas pipelines of Western Kazakhstan and Atyrau RegionDeveloping DED 2004
Intergas Central Asia JSC 1. Methanol installations on the existing gas pipelines of the Atyrau Region. MGP "Atyrau" "MSK" MGP on 119 km. "Ganyushkino" Atyrau GDS 1 "MSK" MGP on 347 km. CS "Akkol"; AGDS-10 "Inder" at 85 km. "Urozhai" AGDS on 857 km.Developing DED by facilities of the linear part of LOMD “Atyrau”2004
Intergas Central Asia JSC 2. Methanol installations on the existing gas pipelines of the Western Kazakhstan Region. The "Atyrau" GTPA: "Zhanatalap" GDS ; "Zhangala" LOA (Line Operations Administration).Re-insulation of the main gas pipeline with partial replacement of pipes on the site of 694-696 km. САC-1, САC-2, САC-3, САC-5. Developing DED 2004
KazStroy - PromTechMontazh CJSC Alibekmola-Kenkiyak Main Oil Pipeline, Alibekmola MPSComprehensive ES, Developing DD, Agent’s services2003
KarazhanbasMunai OJSC Construction of new process pipelines, PTB-10A ovens of the cooling system at CPPN KarazhanbasMunai JSC.Design development2003
Intranskom OJSC (Almaty)Rearrangement of oil pipeline crossings of Aktau port-based railways.Developing DED, Approvals2003
Atyrau Oil Refinery OJSC Atyrau Refinery Revamping Designing an intermediate tank farm;Developing DED2003
KazTransOil JSC Project of oil pipeline Uzen-Atyrau-Samara on the section of OPS 663-OPS Atyrau with a length of 25, 4 D. 1022 mm with underwater crossing through Ural.Designing works2003
KazTransOil CJSC (Astana)Uzen - Atyrau – Samara backup bypass oil pipeline at 100 – 114 km at Syndi uphill with its route improved along the road passageDesigning works2003
KazTransOil JSC Construction of trunk and booster pipeline pump stations at PS Atyrau and Inder.Designing works2003
Khazar Service LLP Design proposals for the elevated laying of technological pipelines of the tank farm in Petropavlovsk.Developing design proposals2002