KGNT employees took part in the development of the Atlas of New Professions

KGNT employees took part in the development of the Atlas of New Professions


The portal of the Electronic Employment Agency (EEA) has published the Atlas of new Professions and Competencies in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 9 main sectors of the economy. According to the forecasts of the experts who compiled the Atlas, 239 new professions will appear, 129 will disappear, and 95 have undergone drastic changes in the future. KGNT employees took part in the development if the Atlas – experts in 3 industries: Oil and Gas, Energy and Construction.


The national project – Atlas of New Professions and Competencies in Demand in the Labor Market – was developed within the framework of the presidential election program “Wellbeing for all! Continuity. Justice. Progress” and proposals received during the national action “Birge “. The Atlas is aimed at improving results in the field of employment and work skills, increasing the relevance of training programs, training in organizations of technical and vocational education and higher educational institutions. The results of the Atlas will become a key reference point for educational institutions when introducing new educational disciplines. You may find the Atlas on the website: www.enbek.kz/atlas/