KGNT executes the design of facilities (process infrastructure) for oil and gas and gas condensate fields during capital construction onshore.
The range of services in this area includes the design of new (greenfield), reconstruction and technical re-equipment (modernization) of existing (brownfield) facilities for field development. Particular attention is paid to special organizational and technical measures that ensure rational and trouble-free operation of the field.
The development of fields is carried out according to the master plan, in which the quantity, range, and purpose of the technical equipment are determined.
Ground-based installations and complexes include a variety of functional devices and mechanisms, such as systems for collecting and transporting primary raw materials, complexes for processing and storing oil and gas, utilization and re-injection systems of unused fractions, impurities and formation waters, communication systems , facilities for expanding capacities and much more.

The design of hydrocarbon pipeline transportation systems is also one of the areas executed by our team. Pipeline transportation of petroleum products is the most economical way of delivering these natural energy carriers to the place of their further processing.
Pipelines reach more than 1000 km in length with pipe diameters up to 1.5 m; most of them are reliably hidden underground or under water.
Through pipelines, oil and gas are transported over vast distances, and converted into various forms of energy, such as gasoline for our cars, and electricity for our homes.
Main pipelines must comply with safety standards in most countries through which they pass. Unified codes, standards and rules ensure safe and stable operation of pipelines.

Design of offshore structures is executed on the basis of process requirements, geological and other natural and operational conditions in conjunction with the planning of urban development, on the basis of which the layout of the port, the length of structures, elevations of vertical layout, standard operating loads, convenient water, rail and road approaches and much more are determined.
The main task of the process design of seaports is to obtain the optimal port solution as a single complex that meets the requirements of safe reception, the fastest loading and unloading and comprehensive servicing of modern and promising transport vessels and meets the conditions of progressive modes of transportation by sea and adjacent modes of transport.
Petroleum product supply enterprises are a complex of buildings and structures having industrial and auxiliary purposes, which should ensure the acceptance, subsequent storage and distribution of petroleum products to consumers.

Design of chemical production facilities, including refineries and petrochemical plants, is a process that requires consideration of various factors.
When developing refinery master plans, it is envisaged: the sequence of processing of raw materials in the process stream, the functional zoning of the territory, taking into account process connections, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements; rational engineering communications within the enterprise, as well as between the enterprise and the residential village; the possibility of carrying out construction by stages or launch complexes; protection of underground waters and open reservoirs from pollution by sewage and waste.
Modernization of the existing main oil refining facilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been executed by KGNT over the past decade. The implementation of the refinery modernization program allowed to significantly increase the output of high-quality light oil products during oil refining, saturate the market with high-quality fuel, increase the economic and process independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, achieve modern standards for environmental protection, industrial safety and labor protection, resource saving and energy saving.

KGNT has experience in the design and construction of energy and civil engineering facilities, such as shift camps, storage facilities and complexes at industrial facilities, customs posts, factories for the production of various materials and raw materials, boiler houses and substations, roads and landscaping facilities, thermal power plants and much more .
In 2014, KGNT took a course on the design and construction of alternative energy sources. So KGNT implemented a project to involve Renewable Energy Sources in the energy balance of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to reduce the total consumption of fuel and energy resources and minimize the negative impact on the environment and is one of the main directions of the Green Economy, the concept of transition to which was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 577 dated May 30, 2013. A 100 MW wind farm was built, the first phase of which was launched in 2019. The construction of the second stage is currently underway.

One of the newest areas of our company’s activity is the design and construction of energy processing complexes for waste processing.
Solid household waste includes food waste, industrial waste (waste materials), hazardous solid waste (heavy metals, pathogens, etc.), as well as valuable raw materials (paper, metals, plastic, glass, etc.).
The complexes designed on the basis of our company are intended for complex processing (MSW) by sorting them with the selection of the commercial part (recyclable materials) and thermocatalytic decomposition of the residues (by burning the tail residue) with subsequent neutralization of the decomposition products and utilization of thermal energy by converting it into electricity.