LLP ``ENGINEERING COMPANY ``KAZGIPRONEFTETRANS`` holds all the documents required to conduct its commercial activities.

Category 1 License to carry out designing works at the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Right to carry out certain type of surveying activities at the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Certificate of right to carry out works in the field of industrial safety

State license for construction and installation works of the 3 category

Certificate of accreditation for engineering services on technical supervision for
technically and technologically facilities of the first responsibility level.

Certificate of accreditation for expert works on technical inspection of reliability and sustainability of buildings and structures at technically and technologically complex facilities the first and the second responsibility levels.

Right to design mining, petrochemical, oil and gas processing facilities

Right to carry out designing works in architectural, town-planning and construction  fields at the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Accreditation Certificate for Project Management in Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction.