Проект будущего расширения /Проект управления устьевым давлением (ПБР/ПУУД), реализация которого позволит увеличить объемы производства на 12 млн. тонн в год, а общие производственные мощности на Тенгизском месторождении составят 39 млн. тонн в год.
Для реализации данного проекта было создано совместное предприятие «KPJV» в составе ТОО «ИНЖИНИРИНГОВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ «КАЗГИПРОНЕФТЕТРАНС», АО «Казахский институт нефти и газа», WorleyParsons и Fluor. Это партнерство явило собой новую веху в развитии отечественного инжиниринга, определив наилучшую форму сотрудничества местных и иностранных компаний, позволяющую осуществить трансфер мирового опыта и установление паритетных отношений. В рамках «KPJV» на проекте задействованы около 400 высококвалифицированных сотрудников КГНТ, работающие на локациях: г. Алматы, г. Атырау, месторождение Тенгиз, Фарнборо (Великобритания) и Республика Южная Корея.


Заказчик – ТОО «Тенгизшевроил»

Завершены следующие проекты:

  • Разработка «Специальных технических условий на проектирование и строительство объектов Тенгизшевройл»
  • Проект расширения второго поколения компании «Тенгизшевройл»
  • Проект повышения производительности и надежности
  • Рабочее проектирование зданий для ПБР/ПУУД (на стадии завершения)



Месторождение Кашаган – одно из самых крупных и сложных морских месторождений, открытых на сегодняшний день, представляет собой единую углеводородную залежь с геологическими запасами, оцениваемыми в 4,65 млрд. тонн (36.6 млрд. баррелей) и занимает территорию приблизительно 75 км х 45 км.

Заказчик – Консорциум K-WAC (WorleyParsons Europe Limited, Aker Engineering & Technology Limited, CB&1 UK Limited).

Полномасштабное освоение месторождения Кашаган, II этап, Производство услуг подготовке предпроектной документации (ППР). Договор субподряда на производство инженерных услуг, направленных на соблюдение требований законодательства РК.

ClientProject / locationType of worksPeriod
ZHAIKMUNAIUpgrading of automatic fire-fighting equipment and gas detection systems, WKO, Chinarevskoye Oil and Gas Condensate FieldFEED2020
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.4th Gas Re-Injection Compressor - Basic Design stage Design development2018
Tengizchevroil LLPDeveloping Special technical conditions for designing and constructing TCO facilitiesDeveloping special technical conditions2018
Tengizchevroil LLPTengizchevroil Second Generation Expansion Project Capacity and Reliability Improvement ProjectFEED2017
NCOC/North Caspian Operating Company;Service providing for registration, adaptation and design of Company Standards Service providing for registration, adaptation and design of Company Standards 2014
Sagiz Petroleum Company LLP Add. scopes of design and engineering surveys for Complex development of the Sagiz field block"Add. scopes of design and engineering surveys 2013
NCOC/North Caspian Operating Company;Service providing for registration, adaptation and design of Company Standards Service providing for registration, adaptation and design of Company Standards 2013
"Sagiz Petroleum Company" LLPProviding services on design supervision over facilities during complex development ot the fields of Sagyz block (Northern Ashykol, Western Taskuduk-Taskuduk, Dulat, Shokat and Sarykumak) Designer’s Supervision2012
NCOC/North Caspian Operating Company;Service providing for registration, adaptation and design of Company Standards Service providing for registration, adaptation and design of Company Standards 2012
CMOC/Kaspi Meruerty Operating Company"Equipment and bulk material supply market investigation for Zhemchuzhina Project"Creating a database of equipment and bulk materials producers and vendors2012
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC Temporary power supply to the Aryskum and Kyzylkiya fields. Start-up complex No.2 Installing Generators No.3 and No.4 at the Aryskum field (Project No.910)DD, Expertise, Design Supervision2010
WorleyParsons Kazakhstan LLPWorks for the TCO Sulfur Expansion Project. Phase 4.Engineering services2010
KazGerMunai LLPDeveloping Detailed Design "Akshabulak Field Gas Treatment Plant Expansion"Developing of Project and DD2009
KazGerMunai LLPDesigner's Supervision over "Akshabulak Field Gas Treatment Plant Expansion"Designer’s Supervision2009
KazGerMunai LLPDeveloping the Nuraly field during its pilot operationDeveloping Design, DD 2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Technical support services for the construction of Nuraly field (OPU, North, South) and Akshabulak field (GTP) facilitiesUpdating DED2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Updating the design, collecting initial data, if necessary, developing executive local diagrams, obtaining approval of State regulatory and supervising agencies of RoK, undergoing the State experts’ review, the industrial safety commission and appropriate procedures according to RoK Tax Legislation.Updating DED2009
KazGerMunai LLP Developing the Nuraly field during its pilot operationDesigner’s Supervision2009
KazGerMunai LLPOverhead power transmission line VL 110 kV at the Nuraly-Akshabulak field.Developing of DD, Additional services2009
KazGerMunai LLPDS for CIW for the Project "Overhead Power Transmission Line, VL 110 kV at the Nuraly-Akshabulak field”.Designer’s Supervision2009
KazGerMunai LLP Designer’s supervision over the Project "Overhead Power Line, VL 110 kV, Akshabulak-Aksai-Nuraly 1" and the expansion of outdoor switchgear, 110 kV, of SS AkshabulakDesigner’s Supervision2009
RSE GosekspertizaExperts’ review of Process Part of the Kashagan Field Pilot Development Facilities Development Project Offshore Complex Process facilities. А, D, ЕРС-2, ЕРС-3, ЕРС-4 SectionsExperts’ review of FS2009
"Sagiz Petroleum Company" LLPCarrying out designing and surveying works for the comprehensive development of the Ashikol, Sarykumak and Taskuduk-Westsern Taskuduk fields of the Sagiz Unit located in the Atyrau and Aktobe Regions.ES, developing Design, developing DD, approval2009
Geo Energi Group LLP Detail Design "Associated Oil Gas Desulfurization Unit of the Prorvinsk field group" ES, DD, DD, Approval, State expertise, AS2009
Mercury Service Company LLP Re-developing Economic Part of the Investment Program on the upgrading, revamping, constructing and overhauling of fixed assets and the automation of the processes of controlling over fuels and lubricants and solid fuel storage and transshipping services.Developing the investment program2009
KazGerMunai LLP Developing Detailed Design "Akshabulak Field Gas Treatment Plant Expansion"Developing DD 2009
KazGerMunai LLP Developing the Nuraly field during its pilot operationDeveloping Design, DD 2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Technical support services for the construction of Nuraly field (OPU, North, South) and Akshabulak field (GTP) facilitiesUpdating DED2009
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Updating the design, collecting initial data, if necessary, developing executive local diagrams, obtaining approval of State regulatory and supervising agencies of RoK, undergoing the State experts’ review, the industrial safety commission and appropriate procedures according to RoK Tax Legislation.Updating DED2009
K-WAC LimitedFull-scale development of the Kashagan field, the Stage II, Production of the FEED services A subcontract for engineering services to ensure compliance with the RoK legislationEngineering services2009
"Sagiz Petroleum Company" LLPCarrying out designing and surveying works for the comprehensive development of the Ashikol, Sarykumak and Taskuduk-Westsern Taskuduk fields of the Sagiz Unit located in the Atyrau and Aktobe Regions.ES, developing of Project, Developing of DD,2009
KazakhTurkMunai LLP DSW and executing the surveying project for DD "Construction of facilities for collecting, preparing, transporting (metering and pumping gas with low and high pressure compressors) and delivering oil and gas from KTM LLP oil fields in the Mangistau Region”Developing DD, Approval, DS2008
KazGerMunai LLP Formation Water Treatment Unit at the Akshabulak fieldDeveloping Design and DD, DS2008
RMZ-Shapagat LLP Temporary power supply to the Aryskum and Kyzylkiya fields.ES, Developing DD, Designer's Supervision2008
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC Kumkol Field Gas Recovery Project. Turbine 4 ConstructionDeveloping FS2008
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Carrying out engineering surveys for the Project "Gas Treatment Station Construction for Zhaikmunay LLP”.Engineering Surveys2008
NSCC KazStroyService JSC Providing design services for the Project "Gas Treatment Unit of the Chinariovsk Oil and Gas Condensate Field for Zhaikmunay LLP".Developing DD, Developing Detailed Design, Designer’s supervision2008
KaspiNeft JSC Developing the Airankol field -based Associated Petroleum Gas Disposal ProjectDeveloping DD2008
Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. LLP Railway loading rack systems and infrastructure construction projectProviding estimating and scheduling services 2008
KazGerMunai LLPSupplement Agreement for "Development of the Nuraly field during its pilot operation".Developing FS, Updating FS.2008
Turgay Petroleum JSC Disposing dry gas coming from GTU located at the contractual territory of Turgay-Petroleum JSC’ Kumkol field at GTPP proposed for constructionDeveloping FS, Services2008
NC KazMunaiGaz JSC Substantiating the creation of of a joint venture on equal conditions on the Orenburg Gas Plant base to efficiently process hydrocarbons of Orenburg oblast and the Karachaganak field.Experts review2008
Turgay Petroleum JSC Kumkol Field Associated Oil Gas Collection and Transportation Systems Upgrading Project at the contractual territory of Turgay-Petroleum JSC.Developing DED2007
Turgay Petroleum JSC Dry Gas Supply and Use to the existing gas turbine unit of the workshop and gas recovery unit (GTU-LPG) at the Kumkol Field.Developing FS2007
Tengizchevroil LLP Developing Tengizchevroil’ crude oil infrastructure 2-Bay locomotive shop Developing DD2006
KazakhTurkMunai LLP Gas Collection, Treatment, Transportation and Delivery Facilities Construction Project at "KazakhTurkMunai" LLP fields, in Aktobe and Mangystau regions.Designing DED, Approval, State experts review, DED2005
Management Group LLP Dismantling, transporting, storing and conserving 500m3 spherical tanks at Tengizshevroil LLP areaPCO design works2005
Kaspy Neft TME SOJSC Construction of two high and low pressure flares, an oil loading point at the South Alibek field.Developing DD2004
Petro Kazakhstan Kumkol Resources LLP KAM Field Gas Recovery and ElectrificationDeveloping FS2004
Karakuduk Munai CJSC (Aktau)Industrial development of the Karakuduk field. Meter Station No.3.Developing DD, developing Version 2 Detail Design2002
Kaspy Neft TME SOJSC Oil loading station on the Yuzhnyi Alibek deposit.Developing DED, Approvals2002
KazGidroProject JSC. ЗRSE Aktau Trade Sea Port Jetties No.4 and 5 Revamping.Developing DED2002
JV Tenge LLPTengiz field. Wellhead Development No.102(A), 109(B)Developing DED 2001