Заказчик – АО “НК “КазМунайГаз”

В рамках проекта были выполнены:

  • генеральный план развития города;
  • проект реконструкции автодорог на Астану, ст. Ералиево и Жетыбай;
  • строительство подъездной дороги к железнодорожному вокзалу L= 1,8 км;
  • прокладка подъездного железнодорожного пути ко всем промпредприятиям морпорта Курык, L=3 км;
  • строительство железнодорожного вокзала и автовокзала обшей вместимостью до 50 человек;
  • обустройство и эксплуатация вертодрома – для экстренных нужд г. Курык.



Заказчик – ООО “Батумский морской порт”

В настоящее время в Порту имеется 5 терминалов и 11 причалов+ пункт без причального налива. Общая пропускная способность Порта 18 млн. тонн в год. Количество судов портового флота насчитывает 13 единиц.



Заказчик – “Beihai Hanali Petro-Chemical Enterprise Co., Ltd”

Экспертиза и анализ прединвестиционных работ, организация и управление проектно-изыскательскими работами Техническое сопровождение проектирования.

Перевалка 800 000 тонн охлажденного пропан-бутана, 4 изотермические емкости хранения охлажденного пропан-бутана емкостью по 30 000 тонн.



Заказчик – ЗАО «Казгидропроект»

Технико-экономические показатели: 5 подъездных путей общей длиной 1405 м (полезная длина 618,2 метров), 2 СВХ открытого типа общей площадью 1444 кв, выгрузка-пиломатериал, и прочие, погрузка-спецтехника, спецоборудование для нефтяной промышленности, металлопрокат, стройматериалы, и прочие, 1053 ваг (27169 т), 5468 контейнеров.

ClientProject / locationType of worksPeriod
Sinooil LLPSinooil LLP Tank Farm Revamping in AstanaUpdating FS 2016
LPG Storage Farm LLPRailway Winding Gear at PSLPG gas loading rack’s railway sidingDetail design2016
Sinooil LLPCorrecting Sinooil LLP Oil Tank Farm Reconstruction FSFS correction2015
LPG Storage Farm LLP Heating the drain lines and tank discharge lines, pump lines and pumps, compressor receivers and lines of condensate discharges to drain tanks and heating the gas metering stationsDetail design2015
LPG Storage Farm LLP Supply ventilation in PTS rooms, 2х630 0,4, ISG - 6kV and VSTDetail design2015
LPG Storage Farm LLP LHG Park # 1, LHG Park # 2 and LHG Odorization UnitDetail design2015
SinooilDeveloping DD of "Sinooil" Tank Farm Revamping Project in AstanaDeveloping DED, approval, SE2014
SinooilDeveloping DD of "Sinooil" Tank Farm Revamping Project in AstanaDeveloping DED, approval, SE2014
RSE GosekspertizaExperts’ review of Process Section of FS "Oil Loading Terminal in Kuryk village".Experts’ review of FS2009
RSE Gosekspertiza Experts’ review of Process Section of FS "Oil Loading Terminal in Kuryk village".Experts review 2009
Atyrau Oil Refinery JSC Tank Farm No.31 ExpansionES, Developing DED, Approval, State experts review, DS2008
Atyrau Oil Refinery JSC Updating DED for Tank Farm No.31 Expansion ProjectUpdating DED2008
Sinooil LLPDesigner’s supervision over construction and installation works on revamping the oil tank farm of Sinooil LLP Almaty Branch.AS. Adjustment of DD2008
Tying in the typical 1000 m3 condensate drum projectDeveloping FS, Developing DD2008
RemSpetsTechKran Ural Branch LLP
Sinooil OJSC Aktyubinsk Oil Tank Farm Revamping Investment feasibility study2007
KazneftehimTrans LLP Expanding the oil loading terminal at Ganyushkino Station of Atyrau regionDeveloping DD, Approval, State experts review; DD; DS.2007
AtyrauMunaiOnimderi JSC AtyrauMunaiOnimdery JSC Atyrau oil tank farm revampingES, Developing DD, Approval, State experts review: Developing DD; DS.2007
PetroGasEnergy LLP Developing DED on the construction of the industrial oil sludge and drain oil residues (DOR) collection, storage and offloading facility at Uzen trench NGDU-2 of OzenMunayGas JSC PA, KazMunayGas JSCES, Developing DD, Approval, State experts review; DS; Developing DD2007
Sinooil OJSC Updating the design and estimate documentation for tanks of SINOOIL JSC oil tank farms located in Aktubinsk. Development of DED; Endorsement, State Expertise; Updating DED for oil tanks; Justification of investments 2007
PetroGasEnergy LLP (Astana)Drain oil residues treatment and offloading unit in the area of "Preliminary Water Gathering Unit - Vpadina.Developing Draft Design; ES; Developing DD; Approval; State experts review;2007
NC KazMunaiGaz JSC Developing Plot Plan of the Kuryk workers’ village " with associated infrastructure and the Kuryk seaport development conceptES, infrastructure assessment, Draft design, PP layout; Plot Plan, Approval and State Experts review2007
StroyServis SVS Industrial buildings intended for repairing package units with storages and administrative and household facilities.Developing DD2007
AKPO Modul JSC Warehouse complex reconstruction DED2007
AKPO Modul JSC, Almaty city)
Batumi See Port LPC Investigating the Batumi seaportExperts Commission's Conclusion2007
Intergas Central Asia JSC Updating DED “765 m3 petroleum products storehouse construction in Shalkar.Updating PS, WSS, CM, PP, HN sections; State experts’ review of DED2006
StroyServis SVS Service complex No.1 Warehouses at 57 V, Ryskulova avenue.Developing DD2006
RD KazMunaiGaz JSC Oil waste collection and offloading complex of the Albsenoman water intake unit of OzenMunaiGaz Production Branch.ES, Developing DED, Approval, State experts review 2006
Neftegazstroy LLP Temporary storage warehouses (TSW) in South Karabatan, Atyrau region. Administrative and household building for 50 people.Developing DED, Approval, State experts’ review2006
KazTransOil JSC Investigating the problems associated with recovering and further effciently using nitrogen.Nitrogen investigation services2006
ERLAN-ULAN LLP (Almaty)Container-type filling station with two underground tanks at 101, Ryskulova avenueInestigating the filling station site; ES; recovering DED2006
KazTransOil JSC Revamping the Atasu Oil Loading Rack into Oil Discharge Rack and constructing Drain Pump House.ES, Developing DS2005
KazakhTurkMunai LLP Gas Collection, Treatment, Transportation and Delivery Facilities Construction Project at "KazakhTurkMunai" LLP fields, in Aktobe and Mangystau regions.Designing DED, Approval, State experts review, DED2005
Sinooil OJSC Developing Design and Estimate Documentation for revamping SINOOIL OJSC Tank Farm located in AtubinskDeveloping DED; Approval; State experts review; Updating DED; Justification of investments 2005
Sinooil OJSC Revamping SINOOIL JSC oil tank farm located in Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan region.Developing DED, Approval, State experts review, designing DD2005
Sinooil OJSC Revamping SINOOIL JSC oil tank farm located in Karaganda.Developing DED, Approval, State experts review, designing DD2005
Intergas Central Asia JSC Tying in the temporary pig receiver and launchers stations at CS "Dhzangala", CS "Makat", pig receiver station at CS "Inder" and pig launcher station at 864 km of MG SATS-3.Tying in the project2005
Sinooil LLP 25m3 tanks with equipmentDeveloping DED2005
KAZGIDRO LLP, AlmatyNorthward Expansion of the Aktau International Trading Sea Port (without oil jetties) Developing FS, Updating FS.2005
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC Construction of VST No.4-5000m3 MOPS "Kalamkas"; VSTP No.2,4-5000m3 MOPS "Aktau"; VST - 20000m3 at MOPS "Uzen". Capital repair "VST - 5000m3 No.2; 3 MOPS "Kalamkas"; VST - 10000 m3 No.3 OPS "Karazhanbas"; "Kulsary" VST - 5000 m3 No. 2; VST - 5000 m3 No.3 "Koschagyl".Construction works2005
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC Construction and capital repair of facilities: VST - 5000 m3 №2 MOPS "Kalamkas", VST - 5000m3 №3 MOPS "Kalamkas", VST - 10000 m3 №3 MOPS "Karazhanbas", WTF "Kulsary" VST - 5000 m3 № 2, VST № 4-5000 m3 at OPS "Kalamkas" VSTP №2 - 5000 m3 MOPSDeveloping DED2005
Beihai Hanali Petro-Chemical Enterprise Co., LtdExecuting a package of major technical support-related works and services: Construction of Freezing Storage for 120 thousand m3 of Liquefied Gas and Cargo Jetty in Baykhai, Teshangan PortExperts review and analysis, DSW, Package of survey works2005
Management Group LLP Dismantling, transporting, storing and conserving 500m3 spherical tanks at Tengizshevroil LLP areaPCO design works2005
Standart Gaz LLPAtyrau Refinery revamping Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage and Loading Tank FarmDeveloping DED2004
KazHydroProject CJSC Process pipelines for supplying oil and oil products to Jetties No.4 and No.5 of RSE AISCPDesign Documentation2004
International Airport of Almaty JSC Gas-equalizing and gas-returning systems at Motor Fuel and Lubricant Material Storage of International Airport of Almaty JSCDeveloping DD2004
Sinooil OJSC Pervomai Oil Tank FarmEngineering Surveys2004
Sinooil OJSC Preparing Pervomai Oil Tank Farm Revamping Project according to documentation.Preparing DED, Obtaining Construction Permit 2004
KazStroyPromTechMontazh JSC (Almaty)Overhauling VST: No.6 at MOPS “Atyrau”; at WTF “Makat”; at WTF “Kulsary”. Overhauling VST:(VSTP) No.9, No.10 at MOPS “Aktau”; steel units with pontoon (RVST), No.10 at MOPS, No.10 at MOPS “Aktau”; No.5 at OPS KoschagylDeveloping DED 2004
KazstroyPromtekhmontazh JSC Revamping Tank Farm MPS "Aktau" MPS; OPS "Martishi", No.3; OPS "Atyrau". No.6; "Makat" OPS. Koschagyl OPS No.4; Kulsary VST VST – 5 000 м3, No.1Overhauling, installing and dismantling2004
BIS LLPConstruction of 150 tank-car-per-day capacity flushing station in Zhosaly village, Karmakshi regionDeveloping DED2004
KazGidro LLP Developing FS Northward Expansion of Aktau PortDeveloping FS2004
KazTransOil West Branch JSC UNU Industrial Base, 10kV (backup).Developing DD2004
KazTransOil CJSC Main pump station “Zhanakol”ES, Developing DED, Approvals2003
KazHydroProject CJSC KazGidroProject CJSCDesigning works2003
Atyrau Oil Refinery OJSC Power supply to the tank and pipeline heat tracing system of the start-up complex. Converting tank farms 1А, 2, 3А.ES, Developing DED2003
Atyrau Oil Refinery OJSC Atyrau Refinery Revamping Designing an intermediate tank farm;Developing DED2003
SEMSER CJSC Oil Pumping Station “Atyrau”. Perimeter Detection SystemDeveloping DD2003
Umai Market LLPOil Tank Farm and Steaming and Flushing Station construction in Arys, South Kazakhstan district.Construction works2003
Imstalkon JSCOil Tank Farm Expansion at the Kalamkas field;Project2002
KazKhimMontazh Holding OJSC (Almaty)Railroad oil loading point at Shagyr station.Developing DD, develping DED, Technical support2002
GUP PEO “Baikonurenergo”, TPS, Fuel Workshop (revamping).ES, Developing DD, Approvals2002
Trade House KurganKhimMasch-Ozon LLC (Moscow)
Karakuduk Munai CJSC (Aktau)Industrial development of the Karakuduk field. Meter Station No.3.Developing DD, developing Version 2 Detail Design2002
Kaspy Neft TME SOJSC Oil loading station on the Yuzhnyi Alibek deposit.Developing DED, Approvals2002
KazHydroProject CJSC RSE Aktau Trade Sea Port Jetties No.4 and 5 Revamping.Developing DED2002