One of the most effective ways of transferring professional knowledge and skills from more experienced specialists to less experienced ones is mentoring. Today, the mentoring program exists in various forms and is used in various circumstances.
In KGNT, the mentoring program is designed to perform the following tasks:
- transfer to young specialists of personal professional experience, knowledge, skills;
- the formation and inculcation of principles of good labor practices for young specialists;
- raising the level of professional competence of young specialists, determining the degree of their readiness to fulfill their professional duties;
- building professional and career potential of students and developing the competencies of mentors;
- exchange of experience and cooperation between mentors;
- expanding the list of tasks that can be delegated, thereby providing their own opportunity to solve more interesting and strategic perspective tasks;
- ensuring the stability of the activities of its unit through the preparation of backups.
When implementing a mentoring program, the following principles are used:
- principle of voluntary participation;
- principle of confidentiality;
- feedback principle;
- principle of respect for the honor and dignity of the individual;
- principle of cooperation.
KGNT unites employees with completely different work experience. Employees with more than 30 years of experience in the oil and gas industry are happy to share experiences with less experienced employees. This program is a great opportunity for employees to touch and immerse themselves in vast experience, knowledge and vision. Less experienced employees expand their horizons, gain practical experience and, thus, can more successfully develop and realize their goals. Mentors, on the other hand, show their professional level, receive satisfaction from their activities, and, in general, this process has a positive effect on business success.