А meeting of the Coordinating Council for Human Capital Development of KAZENERGY Association was held in Nur-Sultan. The meeting was attended by representatives of KGNT – Irina Shparvasser, Acting Head of HR Department and Ainur Zhailaubayeva, Chief Recruitment Specialist.
The general theme of the Coordinating Council was set by the presentation of the new country project “Kazakhstani New Professions Atlas” presented by the Head of the Project on Development of Kazakhstani New Professions Atlas, Head of Education Center of BTS Digital Sayasat Nurbek.
The Coordinating Council introduced the practice of studying the best practices of companies in the field of human capital development. For the purpose of knowledge management in the field of best practices of dual training, it is recommended to develop guidelines synthesizing the experience of the Association members.
Ernst & Young Academy conducted a Workshop on “Behavioral Styles DISS®” for the members and participants of the meeting of the Coordinating Council. After the Workshop, Irina Shparvasser and Ainur Zhailaubayeva and all participants of the meeting received certificates.
А meeting of the Coordinating Council for Human Capital Development of KAZENERGY Association was held in Nur-Sultan