A meeting with the Czech delegation was held at the head office of KGNT in Almaty

A meeting with the Czech delegation was held at the head office of KGNT in Almaty, which included guests from the trade and economic department of the Embassy of the Czech Republic – Petr Jurchik and Elmira Turgayeva, the Czech trade support agency CzechTrade – Marek Zmrzlik, as well as representatives of leading companies: DIMER , Benvig Heat Transfer, FASTRA, DEKONTA, StemCon, Královopolská, SIGMA GROUP, AO MSA. During the meeting, company representatives made presentations about their activities, issues of interaction and cooperation were discussed. Mrs. Alexandra Bekisheva KGNT CEO personally thanked the guests for the visit and interest in KGNT, and also expressed interest in further cooperation. After completing the official part of the meeting, the guests were shown the technology of the VR room.